Hello. I saw your missing relative!!
Please share this information to your friends who have a family or friend missing.
After 3 months of stressful days and sleepless nights, my friend Pritam got a call which brought excitement to his face and that of his wife.
First let me explain this painful issue.
The couple has been struggling to find Pritam’s father in law, Biswanath Upadhyay, for over 3 months. Mr. Upadhyay is an elderly 72 years old man who is missing since 23 Dec 2015. He went for shopping with his daughter, Arpita, on the fateful day. It was a phone call that made daughter engaged and when the call was over, she couldn’t find the person.
After searching almost every nook and corner of Ramamurthy nagar, Bangalore, where the dad and daughter went for shopping, Arpita returned home in the hope that her father may have been to home. But no.
FIR was lodged the next day and police claimed to work on this. But it is over 3 months now and they have not managed to find him. In our country, a netajis missing buffalos can be found in few hours if not minutes, but an aam aadmi who has served the Government for most of his life may not find support from the system.
Since the day, the couple has started their own search operation with friends and family. Pritam has managed to find thousands of emails of various NGOs/old age homes and sent mails requesting if they have found this elderly person, seen him or have an information about him. This has also not helped him much although many NGOs have helped the couple to take the matter to higher police authorities.
Phone call:
The duo also paid for the missing people ads on newspapers. The result was not promising but there was something strange that happened. One fine morning last week they got a call from someone who claimed that he has seen the #missing person somewhere in Hyderabad. Though it sounded strange how an elderly man with few thousands in cash and without mobile managed to reach Hyderabad from Bangalore, Pritam took it seriously (Well there was no other option but to trust this person).
This unknown person sounded confident and his claim seemed to be correct.. He introduced himself as Nagababu and demanded Rs 10000 for any further information. Despite this smelling like a prank call now, the couple pinned their hopes on this unknown person. After some negotiation and a token money of Rs 1000 (TRANSFERRED TO A WALLET), Mr. Unknown agreed to share a photo BUT WHEN HE GOT THE TOKEN MONEY, HE STARTED TO ASK FOR MORE! Everyone who was close to the family was shocked to know how can someone take undue advantage of them.
Despite making a contact to Police, there were protocols that a police from one city needs to follow for visiting and acting in another city. This would have taken time and hence Pritam tried to go in parallel and transferred the money to this unknown person. This turned out to be another failed attempt but shows how there are cheap opportunists who don’t spare people already in trouble.
It can be said that there was no need to transfer the money on first place but when someone has already #lost all the hopes, this seemed worthy of a chance. This loss of money was meager but the loss of hope yet again was the real pain.
When we searched on the internet, we found that there have been many victims of such cases where relatives/friends of missing persons have been duped.
Please share this information to all the family and friends. There are crooks sitting around to cash in on an “opportunity” like this. It is very difficult to find the authenticity of any caller in such a case and when a loved one is missing, emotions take the front seat.
Below are the details of the missing person. Please spread the message:-

- Name : Biswanath Upadhyay
- AGE : 72 Year
- Height : 5’6’’
- Complexion : Fare White (Indian)
- Built : Normal
- Face : Oblong (Long Pattern)
- Hair : Mixed Black & White
- Cloth Last Wear : White Check Shirt & Black Pant
- Last Location : #Ramamurthynagar (#Bangalore)
- Missing Date : 23/12/2015
- Native Address :#Raghunathganj #Murshidabad #WestBengal
- Language Known : #Bengali (Mother Tongue) & Hindi
- Contact Details : +91-8861480111 / +91-9900132463 / +91-9686544663
Mr. Biswanath Upadhyay is basically from Bengal but came to Bangalore to meet his daughter and son-in-law. We suspect that he got confused in the crowd when he was out for some shopping.
Because of the age, it is likely that he also lost his memory and could not recollect the way to go back home. Unfortunately, he did not had his phone as well. His details are shared above and below in picture. In case you want to contact regarding him on email, please mail his son-in-law at pritam_mitra86@yahoo.co.in.
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