Ram setu is no Adam’s Bridge. 100% Proof of Ram and Ram Setu
There has been a big long ongoing debate on Ram Setu which is also known as Adam’s Bridge in some places. The debate is centered on the subject that Ram Setu is man made or natural. If proven that it was not made by man, it will give a green signal to the development of Setu Samudram shipping canal project.With this project the setu or bridge will be broken and a passage for ships could be made.
On the 2 sides of this debate are the Hindu organizations who consider the bridge to be man made and link it to Lord Ram in addition to the environmentalists while on the other side are the ones backing the project because of the time saving advantage for ships.
Ships sailing from Kanyakumari or Tuticorin can save anywhere between 10 and 30 hours. Whereas ships from destinations in the Middle East, Africa, Mauritius and Europe, would save an average of 8 hours using the canal. As per one of the calculations ships from Africa and Europe will lose US$4,992 on every voyage because the savings in time for these ships are considerably lower than what is calculated in the DPR.
It would be very interesting to note that the estimated cost of the project is a whooping 247 billion (US$4.1 billion) and the same will grow by almost
45 billion (US$750 million) more because of delay in the same and the ongoing interest. There could obviously be lobbying behind such a big project.
Nevertheless, it would be better to talk on facts rather than playing the blame game. There have been enough of evidence that proves that the bridge in picture is actually man made and related to Lord Ram, a Hindu deity.Check out a lot of information in the video below:-
In fact, during Tsunami which rocked the southern India few years ago some stones came to shore which are believed to be from the RamSetu. These stones are floating ones as also described in Ramayana, centuries old Hindu text. Check out the proof of these in the video below:-
In addition to this, I would also highly recommend to watch these video which shows 10 facts on RamSetu:-